Wedding Ceremony – Simple Weddings

Here’s how your wedding ceremony will go

As you can see, it’s pretty easy!

Here is the usual format for your wedding.
As you can see, It’s very straightforward and easy.
If you’re happy with this format, simply do nothing.
You’ll receive a copy of this ceremony format by email, prior to your wedding day.

Marriage Ceremony

For Kelly Smith and Pat Jones
3pm Wednesday 8th March 2017
Mobile contact #’s: Pat: 0412 345 6789
Number of guests (approx) 6

2.50Pm: Couple and their two witnesses arrive
3.00pm: Celebrant asks the couple and two witnesses (and any guests) to assemble.


Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Christopher Steele, and I am duly authorized by law to solemnize marriages according to law. Before you are joined in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these witnesses, I am to remind you of the solemn and binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter.
Marriage, according to law in Australia, is the union of two people, to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life

Into this state of marriage Kelly and Pat, do you come now to be united, formally and in the presence of these witnesses?

Kelly and Pat: We do
Kelly and Pat, would you now please hold hands. Remember that holding hands is important, as you now go hand in hand into a new life together.

One Partner repeats after celebrant

I ask the people here present to witness that I, Kelly Smith, take you, Pat Jones, to be my lawful wedded spouse. (or Bride or Groom, as the couple desire).

The Other Partner repeats after celebrant
I ask the people here present to witness that I, Pat Jones, take you, Kelly Smith, to be my lawful wedded spouse. (or Bride or Groom, as the couple desire).

Rings Ceremony (optional, there is no legal requirement to exchange rings)
Celebrant: The custom of giving and receiving rings reminds us that love itself is an act of giving and receiving. It represents a belief and trust in togetherness and a commitment signifying, to all, the bond of marriage the two of you share.

One Partner places ring on the other’s ring finger and holds, repeating after celebrant:
First Partner: With this ring I take you as my (Wife/Husband/Partner)
The Second Partner places ring on the first’s ring finger and holds, repeating after celebrant:
The Second Partner: With this ring I take you as my (Wife/Husband/Partner)

Celebrant: Kelly and Pat, it is with pleasure that I now pronounce you to be husband and wife. (Or spouse and spouse, or partners, or “married”).
You may now kiss!

Signing of the Marriage Register
Ladies and gentlemen, Kelly and Pat will now sign the Marriage Register.

Celebrant presents couple with their Marriage Certificate
It is with much delight that I now present Kelly and Pat with their marriage certificate. On behalf of all present, let me congratulate you both and wish you every happiness for the future.

Celebrant addresses guests
Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome the newlyweds!

(Wedding is thus concluded and the couple and their witnesses and guests depart)