Simple Weddings provides perhaps the most simple, straightforward Wedding Celebrant service available.
Please be aware that by choosing Simple Weddings, you are choosing a no-nonsense, brief and simple wedding ceremony. Our aim is merely to provide a legal wedding and any associated paperwork (such as a letter that you might require for migration purposes) as promptly and briefly as possible.
Accordingly, our fee is as far as we are aware, the lowest available in Australia: ($300 for Wednesdays in Adelaide; or Wednesdays in Melbourne; or Tuesdays in Brisbane; or Wednesdays in Surfers Paradise) and is much less than even the Registry Office (Births, Deaths and Marriages) charges to conduct a legal wedding.
Our $300 price applies only to weddings conducted during specific available dates; and only at specific locations.
Our fee for a Saturday Wedding in Melbourne is $450 (we believe the best price in Melbourne for a Saturday Wedding; and a Saturday wedding in Adelaide is $450 (the best price you’ll find there, also).
Other locations or days are available upon request in which case additional fees will apply, please phone 1300 668 459 to enquire.
One letter for lodging your NOIM (Notice of Intended Marriage) form will be issued at no extra cost if you book a wedding. Just tick the appropriate box to request one when booking your wedding. If you subsequently request further letters, these will be charged at $15/letter.
If at some stage you decide to change the date of your wedding, a RE-BOOKING FEE of $50 is payable.
If you intend to make an application to the government (Births, Deaths & Marriages office) requesting a “Shortening” of the normally required notice period (which is one-month); we will support your application by providing a letter and guiding you on the application process. Our administration fee for this service, is $110.
Here is the process which will occur if you book your wedding through Simple Weddings:
- Choose a date and time here
- Enter your details
- Pay for your ceremony (Visa, Mastercard)
- Download the Notice of Intention to Marry form (provided when you book) fill it in and return
- Provide scans of all applicable ID documents (we will guide you on all items required)
- Arrive for your wedding ceremony at the chosen date and time. Provide original versions of all applicable ID documents. By law, you are required to have at least two witnesses. They can be anyone as long as they are over 18 years old, you will need to provide these. Additional guests are also welcome, of course.
- Your wedding ceremony takes place. (approx. 15 minutes usually) During the ceremony, you will need to sign three Certificates of Marriage which Simple Weddings will provide on the day. Immediately following your ceremony you will receive one of these Certificates of Marriage. You will be legally married at that point.
- As soon as your ceremony concludes, your wedding papers will be delivered directly to the relevant Births, Deaths & Marriages office for registration.
- If you require the additional “REGISTERED” copy of your marriage certificate (as is usually required for immigration purposes), you can apply for it (from Births Deaths and Marriages) immediately after the wedding ceremony.
To make a Booking
You must pay in full at time of booking; by Visa or Mastercard. If you book by phone, you may pay by EFT; however your booking will not be confirmed until funds have been received and verified.
No payment made by you, to us, is refundable for any reason whatsoever, including for a “change of mind” or “change of heart”, or “unlucky circumstances encountered by the couple”, or “illness or injury sustained by either partner of the couple intending to marry”, or for any “downgrading of the required service chosen by the couple”, or for wedding dates being made unavailable due to Government laws or directions prohibiting or limiting weddings due to pandemic response or for any other reason, subsequent to making a booking.
You can apply to Simple Weddings, by phone, only, to our number 1300 668 459, to request a change of date &/or time of wedding, for a service fee of $50 which is chargeable only if you accept an available rescheduled time &/or date, payable upon such acceptance.
Notification to Simple Weddings that you will not arrive for your booked wedding
If you notify Simple Weddings more than 48 hours prior to your booked wedding time and date; then you may rebook to a fresh date and only a $50 rebooking fee applies. If you choose a fresh date, time and location which is subject to greater charges, then you must also pay the difference, between what you originally paid to Simple Weddings and the regular charges payable for your new chosen date. You will need to phone Simple Weddings to arrange that.
Failure to notify Simple Weddings that you will not arrive for your booked wedding ceremony, for any reason
If you fail to notify Simple Weddings that you will not arrive for your booked wedding, this will result in you having to request that your ceremony be re-scheduled, at the full fee chargeable for weddings on the new date, time and location you book for, minus only a $50 grace discount.
Late arrival to your wedding appointment or failure to bring the required documents
Failure to arrive by 15 minutes after your scheduled ceremony time (including yourselves and any required witnesses, or if you arrive without all requisite paperwork or ID documents) will result in you having to request that your ceremony be re-scheduled, at the full fee chargeable for weddings on the new date, time and location you book for, minus only a $50 grace discount.
Accuracy of data
On your wedding day, we ask you to recheck the accuracy of documents prepared for your wedding, so that when we submit them to Births, Deaths and Marriages, the details are correctly recorded. Failure on your behalf to notice any such error, even if done by ourselves, constitutes a liability on your part for the cost of any alterations subsequently required, if Births, Deaths and Marriages have recorded any such errata as a result.
In all communications with Simple Weddings you implicitly agree to:
Receiving communications via multiple channels including email; SMS; regular mail, phone calls or in any other way Simple Weddings deems practical.
To opt out, simple contact us on 1300 668 459. To opt out of SMS communications specifically please go to: https://simpleweddings.com.au/sms-unsubscribe/
By booking with Simple Weddings you implicitly agree to:
Allow use of videographed or photographed images of yourselves your guests and witnesses and other attendees at your wedding or event for the marketing purposes of Simple Weddings on, or in, any of our means of self-promotion until requested otherwise by yourselves in written communication.
Specific paperwork is required, by law, to get married. This includes: Notice of Intended Marriage (Form)
This form must be completed and received by Simple Weddings’ authorized marriage celebrant, a minimum of one month before your wedding ceremony. (This form is provided for downloading, as you complete the booking process on our website. To get started with your booking, and thereby access the form, click here).
You will need to download the form, fill it in and have your signatures witnessed by someone authorised, (ie) a Police Officer. Then, scan in and email to Simple Weddings. You will also need to provide the original copy to Simple Weddings either on or before your wedding day.
Identity Documents
You must provide the following ID documents to Simple Weddings prior to getting married. Please scan the following items in and email to us at admin@simpleweddings.com.au. Also, you must show the Celebrant conducting your wedding, the original versions of these items, on your wedding day.
Primary Item
Birth certificate; or Passport.If supplying a passport, a current or expired passport is equally acceptable.
The passport of any country is acceptable.If supplying a birth certificate, it must either be in English; or a certified translation into English must also be provided.
In addition, if supplying a birth certificate (but not a passport), then a Photo ID must also be supplied.Any party born in Australia MUST supply a birth certificate if not supplying a passport.
NB: If you were not born in Australia and are unable to provide either of these items, a Statutory Declaration will be required. Please contact Simple Weddings on 1300 668 459 for guidance.
Photo ID Driver’s Licence, Student ID, National ID, Shooting licence, etc are all acceptable.(As mentioned above, if only a Birth Certificate is supplied, then one form of Photo ID must also be supplied and any one item from this list will do).
Previously Married? Whether you’ve been married once before (or more than once), you must provide only your latest Divorce (or death) certificate (as applicable).
Emergency Provisions
By booking with Simple Weddings you accept: That in the event of illness or other incapacity or other unavailability of the celebrant to perform your wedding, the main celebrant may in his sole discretion appoint or provide a replacement celebrant capable of conducting the event in the main celebrant’s absence.
Privacy Policy
This policy covers how we use your personal information. We take your privacy SERIOUSLY and will take all measures to protect your personal information.
- What Information Do We Collect?We only collect information that we need that is related to your booking. This includes your:
- Billing (residential) Address
- Email Address
Credit Card Information
- All information required on statutory government forms which are required to formalize your wedding
In addition we may also collect information on your IP address, browser type, and URL data. We may use this data to prevent hacking attempts, help us know what web browsers people are using, and find out where our visitors are coming from so that we can improve our marketing.
How Is My Information Used?
Your information is only used to fulfil your wedding booking. We do not sell or redistribute your information to ANYONE.
Security and Storage
Only your booking data billing, and order contents data is stored on our server. This information is encrypted using a Secure Sockets Layer before it is transmitted over a web server. We do not store your Credit Card data.
Cookies and Browser Information
Cookies are small files that reside on your computer and allow us to recognize you on your next visit or store your chosen purchase data. We use them only to track this information.
If you do not understand or require further clarification of any of the above listed terms and conditions you can always contact Simple Weddings by either email: chris@simpleweddings.com.au or by phone 1300 668 459.