What’s Even Better than a Registry Office Wedding? – Simple Weddings

Registry office wedding prices are often cited as the number one concern that couples have. This is when they are booking a registry office wedding. And while the cost of wedding at registry office is appealing, here’s a surprise. There is an even more affordable alternative, and it’s called Simple Weddings.

We surveyed the entire register of marriage celebrants in Melbourne and found Simple Weddings to be the most affordable. In fact they are singularly the best. In particular, they even outcompeted the price of a Melbourne registry office wedding.

Simple Weddings were always at least 25% cheaper than registry costs. A quite impressive fact.

According to the marriage register, here is the number one question asked by couples: ‘What is the registry office wedding cost?’ It’s not surprising. After all, the cost of registry office wedding is the single most popular reason for choosing a wedding in registry office. So other issues, such as whether or not your registry office wedding vows might be what you’ve always wanted, are less serious considerations.

What should you do next?

So if you’re looking to say your wedding vows, registry office style, and to undercut the cost of a registry office wedding, consider Simple Weddings. You’ll get married simply (of course!) and receive your registrar marriage certificate as promptly as possible, without those higher, registrar marriage fees.

The registrar of marriage would be the first to tell you that most clients simply want to know, ‘How much is a registry wedding?’ As you would expect, registry fees are near the bottom end of the scale. Yet there is one private firm, providing much less expensive weddings. So don’t ask ‘how much does a registry office wedding cost?’. Instead, ask, is there any alternative that’s even lower than the cost of a registry office wedding?’

Compare how much does a registry office wedding cost, with Simple Weddings. You’ll save up to $200 or more, simply by choosing Simple Weddings instead of the Registry Office.

Next, compare how to book a registry office wedding, with Simple Weddings.

With Simple Weddings, unlike the marriage registrar office, you won’t be kept waiting. In fact, booking a wedding at a registry office doesn’t really make sense any more, when you consider the cost of wedding in registry office is usually 25% greater than if you chose Simple Weddings.

It’s entirely likely that the marriage registrar is wondering, ‘Just how do Simple Weddings do it?’

If you’re looking to get married simply, at Australia’s lowest cost and without any unnecessary delay, get in touch with Simple Weddings today.

Just fill in the contact form on your right and we will get back to you.
